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How Kickboxing helps with Mental Health | Kickboxing Clinch 4 Life MMA

How Kickboxing Helps with Mental Health

Kickboxers of all levels can get in an intense sweat during our kickboxing class, but the biggest benefit to taking kickboxing classes, is how much kickboxing helps with mental health. This is where you will find your release for those days when life gets too heavy or stressful. Not only does kickboxing keep us strong and healthy but it also builds confidence through teamwork skills while building friendships with other people who are there to support their own goals just as much as your own. You’ll never feel judged at Clinch 4 Life MMA because we understand that everyone has different reasons why they attend classes – whether its weight loss, toning up, stress relief from work responsibilities, or simply getting away from everyday distractions.

Kickboxing has several advantages for mental health

  1. It’s a Healthy Outlet for Stress: Kickboxing is a great way to release pent-up anger and frustration. You’ll feel less stressed after each session because the workouts produce endorphins that keep you coming back for more
  • Increases Your Mental Fortitude: You will be encouraged to dig deeper and push yourself further with one of our coaches. You’ll build up your tolerance for adversity, realize how much potential you have that was never imagined before- all while feeling more confident, as this process continues class after class.
  • You become connected with like-minded people: You’ll find that kickboxing classes are a great way to meet new people and keep up fitness. You’re surrounded by supportive classmates who will challenge you, while the instructors provide an encouraging environment in which friendships form quickly.
  • Builds self-esteem: Kickboxing is a great way to stay fit and active while building muscle, improving balance & coordination skills. It’s also an excellent form of self-defence that can help you feel more confident about yourself!
  • Conquer your fears: Kickboxing is an intimidating and difficult sport at first, but as you learn more combinations and techniques your confidence will grow. With the guidance of others who have been there before in Clinch 4 Life we can ensure success by helping overcome common fears such as:
  • failing (because it’s not really possible)
  • Being embarrassed when using new moves or skills
  • Social anxiety which most people struggle with on some level
  • Unfairly judging oneself due to their own expectations

Your body is a machine that requires maintenance in order to work at its best. Exercise doesn’t just benefit the physicality of oneself, but also mentally and emotionally because it boosts serotonin levels which makes you feel happy when on an exercise regimen. But don’t think for even a moment this routine has become too much, we’ve got your back with classes designed specifically according to ability level so no matter what stage you are at, our knowledgeable instructors will help strengthen AND empower all parts involved – mindfully working towards reaching peak performance. If you want to try out a class visit our website and check our schedule, or follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

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