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What is the best age to start training for martial arts? Clinch MMA
clinch mma port coquitlam

What is the best age to start training for martial arts?

The decision to start training at a young age is often based on preference and what the parent feels will be best for their child. At the Clinch4life MMA in Port Coquitlam, we believe that both parents and student play important roles in this choice, but there’s no right answer for everyone as different circumstances arise with every family situation. Our instructors have found that most kids actually enjoy being active long before reaching young adulthood, which makes them great candidates as students in martial arts. We find that kids starting as early as 7 years old play a key factor in their development.

The earlier your child starts training in martial arts, the better, because what they learn in martial arts is beyond self defence. They learn to start their personal development journey.

The focus on self development.

Martial Arts training improves physical fitness and health in students of all ages. At the same time, it enhances discipline, which leads to improved self-confidence as well! Your kids will also learn about other aspects such like culture or leadership skills while taking part in our program.

Here are a few things that your child will start to hone once they begin their training in martial arts.

1. Courage and Calmness

martial arts teach them how to stay in control of their body and emotions, even when under pressure. They gain the ability to face challenges with bravery & courage while remaining calm facing any obstacle maintaining composure. As a result, they will feel more confident about themselves because of the skills they possess.

2. Goal Dedication

It takes time to learn martial arts and get good at it. You can’t expect overnight success! But when your child sticks with their martial arts training, eventually their hard work will pay off and without knowing, they will now posses the skills to commit into something and never give up. Taking martial arts teaches your child to become more mindful and dedicated to their goals.

3. Handling Adversity

Martial arts help children learn how to handle tough situations. When they get knocked down, the focus is getting back up and trying again rather than backing down from adversity.

In addition, training in martial arts gives your kids the opportunity to practice overcoming challenges with confidence, even if it means fighting continuously until one victory leads him/her onwards towards success!

4. Setting goals

When your child trains in martial arts, their success will be from hard work and dedication. They will feel accomplished with each personal achievement because every success they gain will provide a sense of pride.  Achieving something great by yourself will always boost your self-confidence!

Start Your child’s MMA Journey At Clinch MMA in Port Coquitlam

Your child’s mixed martial artist journey is going to be worth every moment. Our coaches at Clinch MMA will always be there to guide you through the process of training for fights or general fitness! Start your trial with us today!

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